Notice October 25, 2024: The St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) phone system has returned to normal operations. Community members can contact SMCHD at 301-475-4330.

Commission on Public Health received key findings from University of Maryland and Morgan State University assessment team at March meeting

Leonardtown, MD (March 18, 2025) – Dr. Oluwatosin Olateju convened the Maryland Commission on Public Health for its March 13th meeting.  The University of Maryland (College Park) and Morgan State University team that has been conducting an assessment of the statewide public health system presented their preliminary findings. This multi-month assessment enriches the data already collected by the Commission’s five workgroups and launches the Commission into its next phase of developing recommendations to improve the state’s public health capabilities and services.

On behalf of their colleagues, Dr. Amelia Arria, Dr. Anita Hawkins, and Ms. Brittany Bugbee shared details from the more than 70 interviews, 14 focus groups, 25 organizational surveys, six site visits, six public listening sessions, and general public comments.  Ms. Bugbee noted that the assessment reflected involvement from all 24 local health departments in Maryland, as well as several units within the Maryland Department of Health and other state agencies, ensuring that the findings would be comprehensive. The Commission’s co-chairs praised the rigorous approach and practical outputs of the assessment. The presentation and commentary are available online.

Earlier in the meeting, Commissioners adopted vision, mission, and values statements.  These statements help set the tone for the Commission’s final report and recommendations to improve the public health system.  

The next Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2025, with Dr. Boris Lushniak as presiding Co-Chair. The session will be accessible online and recorded for public review on the Commission’s website with reminders and other important information also shared on social media through LinkedIn (@Maryland Commission on Public Health) and Instagram (@md.coph).


The Maryland Commission on Public Health was established in 2023 to study and make recommendations to improve Maryland’s public health system. The 16-member body is comprised of local health officers, academic partners, thought leaders, and legislators. The Maryland Department of Health is represented by the Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, the Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health, and the Director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Many additional leaders and professionals are contributing to the Commission’s five workgroups. The Commission’s goal is to ensure the public health system is designed to help all Marylanders achieve their best health and a lifetime of wellness. Meetings are held monthly and streamed online. For more information, please visit

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