Notice: The SMCHD phone system is experiencing issues for some users. If you are unable to get through, please call (301) 475-4350 and leave a message for a return call. IT support is working to resolve the issue. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

SMCHD Begins Beach Water Monitoring Season

LEONARDTOWN, MD (June 1, 2021) – From Memorial Day to Labor Day, the Environmental Health Division of the St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) tests the water quality of public beaches in St. Mary’s County. Water quality findings for beaches monitored by SMCHD can be found online at or by calling the Healthy Beach Hotline at (301) 475-4330, ext. SWIM (7946). Results are typically updated weekly on Fridays, pending sampling schedule and processing.

Swimming in natural waters is never risk free. Beachgoers should stay informed of water quality advisories and practice healthy beach habits for a safe and healthy beach experience this summer.

Information on conditions for beaches monitored across the state is available through the Maryland Healthy Beaches Program.

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