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Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership Seeks Public Comments on Draft Community Health Improvement Plan

LEONARDTOWN, MD (June 7, 2021) – The Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership (HSMP) is seeking public comments on the draft community health improvement plan for St. Mary’s County (Healthy St. Mary’s 2026). Community members can read the draft plan and provide feedback to HSMP for consideration before the plan is finalized at:

Healthy St. Mary’s 2026 provides a community blueprint for improving the health of local residents from 2021-2026. It provides insight into health solutions for the long-term and presents a road map for achieving optimal health for all.

Written comments will be accepted until Friday, June 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Comments may be submitted via the online public comment form or by email to

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The Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership is a community-driven coalition of partners working together to improve health in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The coalition mobilizes members through action teams to address the priority health issues in St. Mary’s. Joining the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership is free and all interested organizations and community members are welcome. For more information, visit:

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