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Cyber Security

Cyberattacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer or network system. Cyberattacks can lead to the loss of money or the theft of personal, financial and medical information. These attacks can damage your reputation and safety.

Cybersecurity involves preventing, detecting and responding to those cyberattacks that can have wide-ranging effects on individuals, organizations, the community and the nation.Cybersecurity is the art of protecting networks, devices, and data from unlawful access or criminal use and the practice of guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Cyber Security Preparedness 

  1. Use strong passwords that are 12 characters or longer – with upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters
  2. Use a password manager
  3. Consider using a separate device that can receive a code (2-factor authentication) or uses a biometric scan (e.g. fingerprint scanner)
  4. Watch for suspicious activity that asks you to do something right away, offers something that sounds too good to be true, or needs your personal information
  5. Check your account statements and credit reports regularly
  6. Use secure Internet communications
  7. Use sites that use HTTPS if you will access or provide any personal information – do not use sites with invalid certificates
  8. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that creates a secure connection
  9. Use antivirus solutions, malware and firewalls to block threats
  10.  Regularly back up your files in an encrypted file or encrypted file storage device
  11.  Limit the personal information you share online 
  12.  Protect your home network by changing the administrative and WiFi passwords regularly

What to Watch For

  1. Check your credit card and bank statements for unrecognizable charges
  2. Check your credit reports for any new accounts or loans you didn’t open
  3. Be alert for emails and social media users that ask for private information
  4. Consider turning off the device that has been affected. Take it to a professional to scan for potential viruses and remove any that they find. Remember: A company will not call you and ask for control of your computer to fix it. This is a common scam.

Protect Yourself After a Cyberattack

  1. Let the proper federal, state and local authorities know if you believe you have been a victim of a cyberattack
  2. Contact banks, credit card companies and other financial services companies where you hold accounts. You may need to place holds on accounts that have been attacked. Close any unauthorized credit or charge accounts. Report that someone may be using your identity.
  3. File a report with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) if you think someone is using your Social Security number illegally.
  4. Report online crime or fraud to your local United States Secret Service (USSS) Electronic Crimes Task Force or the Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  5. Contact additional agencies depending on what information was stolen. Examples include contacting:
    • The Social Security Administration (800-269- 0271) if your Social Security number was compromised, or
    • The Department of Motor Vehicles if your driver’s license or car registration has been stolen.

Additional Resources

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