Local School Guidance SMCHD recommends a layered approach to reducing the spread of COVID-19 in schools - including COVID-19 vaccination, improvements to building ventilation and air filtration, hand … [Read more...]
Speaker Profile: Annie Harper, PhD
Annie Harper is a cultural anthropologist working in Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry. She researches how people with mental illness, including those with incarceration histories, cope with … [Read more...]
Hurricane Preparedness 101
A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone or severe tropical storm that can be accompanied by thunderstorms. The Atlantic Hurricane season lasts from approximately June to November, with peak season … [Read more...]
Peer Providers & Recovery
As we acknowledge the month of September as Recovery Month, it is important to recognize crucial roles in the process of Recovery - Peer Providers. The Gifts Peer Providers Bring By Larry Fricks, … [Read more...]