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Beware of Fake Health Inspectors

With a potential scam reminiscent of past schemes to defraud local restaurants and other food service companies, unidentified scammers are calling local businesses, identifying themselves as state food or health inspectors and seeking to schedule inspections. As part of the scam, these callers provide a “code number” that the facility operator or manager can use for identification purposes according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH).

While owners and operators of any food service business in Maryland, such as a bar or restaurant, are normally aware of the local agencies and personnel who routinely conduct inspections, they should be alert for signs of this latest scam. The food service business owner/operator needs to know:

  • Under no circumstance will a genuine food inspector asked for a payment, either for posters, on-the-spot fines or any other services.
  • This manner of operation (scheduling appointments by phone; using code numbers for identification) is not consistent with the current operating practices of food inspectors at the federal, state, or local levels.
  • When an inspector visits a food facility, the inspector should be asked to show their identification, as Federal, State and Local Jurisdiction inspectors all carry appropriate identification.

If there are any doubts about the identity of an inspector, the facility operator can contact its Local Health Department, the State Office of Food Protection, and Consumer Health Services (410-767-8400) or the FDA Baltimore District Office (410-779-5455) to verify the inspector’s identity. If there is any cause for concern, the food facility operator should contact local law enforcement.

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