What are ACEs
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that happen in childhood. Experiencing childhood adversity or trauma can cause what’s known as Toxic Stress. Toxic Stress impacts brain development, learning and health.
ACEs Can Include:
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Household Violence
Family Substance Abuse
Family Mental Illness
Parent Incarceration
Witnessing Violence
Natural Disaster
Discrimination & Racism
ACEs Can Lead To:
Heart Disease
Liver Disease
Mental Health Issues
Alcohol Abuse
Drug Abuse
Domestic Violence
Unplanned Pregnancy
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chronic Diseases (diabetes, cancer, etc.)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
ACEs in St. Mary’s County
The ACEs dashboard provides key data about the occurrence of ACEs in St. Mary’s County, including data related to household substance use, sexual abuse, household mental illness, incarcerated household members, parental separation or divorce, intimate partner violence, and emotional and/or physical abuse.

What Can I Do
- Become a youth mentor
- Build up protective factors in your family and community
- Join the Violence, Injury, and Trauma (VIT) action team of the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership to support community action to address ACEs
Contact Us
Email: smchd.lbha@maryland.gov
Main Line: (301) 475-4330