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Precautions Recommended During Air Quality Alert

LEONARDTOWN, MD (June 9, 2023) – Southern Maryland is under a Code Orange Air Quality Alert, issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment. During air quality alerts, sensitive groups including people with heart or lung disease (such as asthma), older adults, children, and pregnant persons should avoid long or intense outdoor activities and consider rescheduling or moving activities indoors. 

The St. Mary’s County Health Department recommends community members limit strenuous outdoor activity when the air is unhealthy to breathe. The following measures are encouraged during times of poor air quality:

  • KN95 or N95 masks may be helpful in reducing exposure to outdoor air pollution, especially for more vulnerable populations. Community members may pick up a free KN95 mask at the three St. Mary’s County Library locations while supplies last.
  • Avoid bringing in outdoor air through ventilation systems.
  • Use air filtration units with particle remover, if available, when in indoor spaces.
  • Limit times outdoors, especially for vulnerable populations and for exertional activity. 

“Everyone should limit strenuous outdoor activity when the air is unhealthy to breathe,” said Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer. “KN95 or N95 masks can help filter the air and reduce the particles that you breathe in.”

For real-time local outdoor air quality data throughout the county and recommended protective health actions, please visit the Purple Air Sensor map on the St. Mary’s County Health Department Air Quality Dashboard at:

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