LEONARDTOWN, MD (February 5, 2013) – Due to seasonal groundwater levels, St. Mary’s County Health Department’s Environmental Health Services division will begin wet season perc testing for lower terrace soil types on or about February 11, 2013. Perc testing for all other soil types (upland areas) will begin as soon as those water tables reach normal wet season range.
Perc test applications received since April 2012, when perc testing was suspended due to declining water levels, will be scheduled first. Perc testing may not run continuously through the winter and early spring if the water table recedes, causing testing to be suspended. Testing will be resumed provided tables rebound to wet season ranges.
Program staff at the health department’s Environmental Health Services division conduct soil evaluations for the construction of residential and commercial septic systems. In addition, they also evaluate soil for replacement septic systems if the current septic systems fail. Applications for new construction perc testing are located at the St. Mary’s County Department of Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM), located in the Patuxent Building on the Governmental Center Campus in Leonardtown and require a fee. The application may also be located at the St. Mary’s County Government’s LUGM website at http://www.co.saint-marys.md.us/lugm/. All permit applications are available for download at the link for Permits.
For more information, please contact the St. Mary’s County Health Department’s Environmental Health Services at 301-475-4321 or the St. Mary’s County Land Use and Growth Management Department’s Permit Services at 301-475-4200, x1500, or log on to the Environmental Health Services link on the health department’s website at www.smchd.org.
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Media Contact
Meena Brewster, MD, MPH