Harm reduction is a way of preventing disease and promoting health that “meets people where they are” rather than making judgments about where they should be in terms of their personal health and lifestyle. A harm reduction approach accepts that not everyone is ready or able to stop risky or illegal behavior and instead focuses on reducing associated health risks or harm – Learn more!
Our team is here to help! We offer a broad range of scientifically proven interventions which advance the health and wellness of individuals and communities, including:
Free Services
- Buprenorphine treatment*
- Collection and safe disposal of used syringes
- Distribution of sterile syringes and injection equipment
- Harm Reduction Kits
- Hepatitis C testing and treatment*
- HIV testing and referral to treatment
- Linkage to treatment, recovery, and community support services
- Outreach and peer education
- Overdose response training and naloxone distribution
- Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD)
- Referrals for STI testing
- Referrals for wound care
- Tips on safer injection
- Tips and resources for safer sex, including condoms
*Telehealth service provided in Lexington Park, in partnership with Johns Hopkins. Insurance may be billed for treatment services provided.
Support Groups
Our support groups are free and open to interested community members. Join us for nonjudgmental discussion, companionship, and support. Free coffee, snacks, and resources are offered for attendees.
- Women’s Support Group: Seeking Serenity – Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
- Men’s Support Group: Male Empowerment Network – Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.

21625 Great Mills Road
Lexington Park, MD 20653
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(301) 862-1680
Additional Resources
- Crisis Services
- Health Insurance
- Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment
- Maryland | Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD)
- Regulations & Legal Protections for HRPs
- Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD) 2024 Q4 Newsletter
- SMCHD | Go Purple – Stop Stigma
- SMCHD | Harm Reduction Kits
- SMCHD | Hepatitis
- Xylazine – What you need to know
- Xylazine – What you need to know (Spanish)
Community Feedback
“This is an amazing service. It is a blessing to both addicts and non-addicts in the way of its proven ability to reduce theft, spread of STI’s and other diseases, and unsafe practices.”
“Thanks so much for being here to serve our community.”
“Each time I come here I receive unparalleled, courteous and professional service. Keep it up!”
“I have been working with a family for several years now, who has a loved one with an addiction that they have struggled with for a long time. This individual wants recovery, but on their own terms. The Harm Reduction Peer spoke kindly, shared their own story and offered contact information for open communication which the individual has taken advantage of. Thanks to the Harm Reduction Program, this Mom and I both believe her adult child is on the path to recovery.” – 2023