Notice October 25, 2024: The St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) phone system has returned to normal operations. Community members can contact SMCHD at 301-475-4330.

Frequently Asked Questions – Bay Restoration Fund

1. Where do I get an application for the Bay Restoration Fund?

Download the Bay Restoration Grant Application or visit the Health Department for a printed application.

2. Who is eligible for grant funding?

All St. Mary’s County property owners who utilize an Onsite Septic System are eligible for funding. This includes new construction, residential, commercial, and business-owned properties. Funding is also available to help with the cost of connecting a property to the public sewer.

3. How is the grant funding used for public sewer connections?

The grant provides funding to help offset the cost of connecting an existing home to public sewer. It is not available to homes that are already connected to public sewer.

4. When is the installation of a Best Available Technology (BAT) Unit required?

Within the 1000-foot Critical Area Buffer – All properties located within the 1000-foot Critical Area Buffer are required to include a BAT when either upgrading, installing, or replacing the septic system.

Effective November 24, 2016, properties located outside of the 1000-foot Critical Area buffer are no longer required to install the Best Available Technology (BAT) for nitrogen removal. The BAT may be required on properties with existing homes or businesses outside of the Critical Area in situations where soil conditions prohibit the installation of a conventional septic system.

5. What does the grant cover?

The grant addresses the cost of the BAT, its installation, electrical hookup, and two years of Operation and Maintenance. It does not cover permit or recordation fees, which can range from $53 to $200. For public sewer connections, residences are potentially eligible for up to $25,000 and businesses up to $18,500 towards the cost of connection to the public sewer.

6. Does the BAT use electricity?

Yes. Each BAT has an electrical component as part of the system. The electrical consumption varies between each BAT and should be researched by the property owner when choosing a BAT.

7. Can the BRF grant cover the cost of the entire septic system and BAT?

Grant funding may be provided for the replacement of a failing septic system as long as the system includes a BAT and the property owners meet the income eligibility limits of the DHR energy assistance program.

8. Who installs the BAT?

All BATs must be installed by a St. Mary’s County licensed septic contractor who is certified by the Maryland Department of the Environment to install BATs and is also registered with the State to provide Onsite Wastewater Services. Contact the Health Department for a current list.

9. If I own more than one property, can I apply for grant funding more than once?

Yes.  Each property served by an Onsite Septic System is eligible for grant funding.

10. Do I pay for the BAT and then get reimbursed?

No.  Grant funding is awarded for the property, but payment is made to the BAT distributors once the unit has been inspected.  Grant funding must be approved prior to installation of the BAT.

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